On this page you can find all information about how to manage the OAM. Farm Web site with reference to the processing of the personal data of the users who consult it. This information is provided in accordance with italian law art. 13 of D. Lgs. N. 196/2003 (and subsequent modifications) exclusively for the OAM. Farm web site and not for any other Web sites that may be consulted by the user via links available on the website. The texts, information, other data published or accessible via form on this site are for informative purposes only and are not of official character, unless otherwise provided under current regulations. The person responsible assumes no responsibility for services offered by third parties with whom the site has activated a link, and for any other content, information or anything contrary to the laws of the Italian state present in the resource of Third party linked to the above link.
Owner of the treatment
Consultation of the OAM. Farm site may involve the processing of data related to identified or identifiable users.
The owner of the data processing is Officine Agricole Milanesi SRL (hereinafter Officine Agricole Milanesi) with registered office in Via Luigi Castiglioni 3, 20136 Milano MI. Email: [email protected]
Place of treatment of the data
The treatments deriving from this site are held at the owner’s headquarters and are treated only by personnel in charge of the treatment. No data arising from the site is communicated or disseminated.
Data voluntarily provided by you
The collection of personal data of users can be done voluntarily, by sending e-mail to the addresses shown on the site or through the shipment of electronic forms present on the same by users. The sending of e-mail involves from Officine Agricole Milanesi, the collection of the sender’s e-mail address, necessary to answer the request, as well as any other personal information contained in the communication. The personal data collected through this modality will be used by Officine Agricole Milanesi, for the sole purpose of responding to the received e-mail message and for any subsequent related communications. The shipment of electronic forms for enquiries involves the collection by the Officine Agricole Milanesi, of the personal data entered in the form itself. The personal data collected through this modality will be used by Officine Agricole Milanesi for the sole purpose of giving feedback to the request for information received and for any subsequent related communications.
Treatment modalities
Personal data is treated with manual and automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures shall be taken to prevent loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access to them.
Rights of the Parties
According to italian law, art. 7 of D. Lgs N. 196/2003 (and subsequent amendments), users who refer to personal data have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of the same data and to know its content and origin, also to verify the accuracy or Ask for integration or updating, or rectification. In accordance with the same article, users also have the right to request the deletion, anonymous processing or blocking of the data treated in violation of the law and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. Requests must be sent to: Officine Agricole Milanesi Srl, Email: [email protected]